In the very competitive real estate market, showcasing the home in its best light is paramount considering 85% of today's potential buyers scan the listings on the internet before even contacting a Realtor to view a home. Educated home owners have grown to expect a standard of excellence in having their home presented professionally by their Realtor. In today's market, Realtors are able to set themselves apart from the competition by maintaining support association with professional stagers and a Professional Photographer. While everyone has a camera ... not everyone is a Photographer.

Staging and Photography?

As a professional Realtor, you know image is everything. As Clients become more educated and sophisticated in what they know professional representation should include in the marketing of their home to generate top dollar, image becomes very important to them as well. Showcasing their home with professional photographs in a pleasing and inviting way, is going to create interest and draw traffic to help make the sale. The Internet is today's marketing tool and with the high percentage of Buyers scanning the web listings before they decide to look at a potential home, you the Realtor need to captivate their attention with great presentation of your listing. With the high price of homes, your Clients deserve it.

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(c) 2007-2008 Vancouver Showcase Photography (VSP)